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Main point: The strength should be well-distributed and gentle, The frequency should be moderate, Holding and rubbing on joint of knees boing over two palms should be stopped on the knee with rubbing repeatedly for 5-10 seconds which main point is well-di

Main point: Light technique with elasticity, Strength from light to heavy with rhythm, Like celebrating good harvest. 要领:手法要轻盈,富有弹性,用力由小到大,有节奏,如庆贺丰收。
Main point: Rubbing with finger or piled up fingers of both hands , the strength should be revolved and permeated without rough strength and explosive force. 要领:要用指腹,或双手指腹相叠,力要呈旋转渗透,不要用蛮力或暴力。
Main point: Speed slowly and softly not quick like flying. 要领:速度要缓慢,要柔和,不要像飞一样。
Main point: The operation. should perform from light to heavy without strong force and use osmotic strength gradually into the internal. 要领:要用逐渐向内渗透的力,由轻到重来操作,不许用暴力。
Main point: The rolling must be sucked without floating; surmount knee joint conveniently with smooth and evasive without hard-going. 要领:滚法要吸定,不要发漂,在膝关节处要顺势越过,不要发涩,要圆滑流畅。
Main point: The strength should be well-distributed and gentle, The frequency should be moderate, Holding and rubbing on joint of knees boing over two palms should be stopped on the knee with rubbing repeatedly for 5-10 seconds which main point is well-di 要领:用力要均匀,柔和,频率要适中,抱揉膝关节,在上述动作完毕后,顺势用两手抱住其膝关节处,用揉按法反复操作约五至十秒,其要领:均匀,和缓。
Main point: The technique should be soft ,but should be permeated, more stronger pressing on transverse colon and light pressing on descending colon. 要领:手法要柔和,但还要渗透,横结肠压力宜重点,降结肠压力要轻。
Main point: When butterfly circle, along with proper order small “Yu Ji” root of palm , big “Yu Ji” and four fingers with slow and sort strength. 要领:蝶转时,着力点依小鱼际,掌根,大鱼际,四指端的顺序周旋,要缓慢,柔和。
Main point: When operating, skill action should be spreaded out with arc, tighten up the belly, harbour chest and action should be consistent. 要领:操作时,技术动作呈弧形动作展开,要收腹含胸,动作连贯。
Main press-cut roller adopt universal shaft driving, which is advanced in designing. 主要压切辊采用万向轴传动,传动设计先进。
Main press-cut rollers adopt universal shaft driving . The driving is fast and it can guarantee the knives' service life. 主要压切辊均采用万向联轴器传动,传动轻快,刀具寿命保证。

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