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Stir-fry pine nuts in 2 tbsp oil until golden yellow. Set aside.

Stir-fry chicken in 2 tbsp oil until almost done. Add bell peppers and Lee Kum Kee Char Siu Sauce. Stir well until chicken is done. 用2汤匙油炒鸡丁至9成熟,加入甜椒及李锦记叉烧酱,炒匀至鸡丁熟透。
Stir-fry chicken in 2 tbsp oil until done. Add green/red bell pepper and Lee Kum Kee Chili Garlic Sauce. Stir well and serve hot. 用2汤匙油炒熟鸡丁,加入青/甜红椒及李锦记蒜蓉辣椒酱,炒匀上碟。
Stir-fry chicken wings in 2 tbsp oil until done. Add celery, carrot and Lee Kum Kee XO Seafood Sauce. Stir well until heated through. 用2汤匙油炒熟鸡翼,加入西芹、甘笋及李锦记XO海皇酱,炒匀至热透。
Stir-fry fish in 2 tbsp oil until golden yellow and done. 用2汤匙油将鱼柳炒至金黄熟透。
Stir-fry onion, potato and button mushrooms in 2 tbsp oil. Add chicken and stir-fry for a while. 制法:1.用2汤匙油略炒洋葱、马铃薯及蘑菇,加入鸡肉再炒一会。
Stir-fry pine nuts in 2 tbsp oil until golden yellow. Set aside. 用2汤匙油炒香松子仁至金黄,取起。
Stir-fry pork in 2 tbsp oil until almost done. Add green bell pepper and Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce. Stir well until pork is done. 用2汤匙油将肉丝炒至9成熟,加入甜青椒及李锦记旧庄特级蠔油,炒匀至肉丝熟透。
Stir-fry prawn meat, scallop, gingko nuts, red bell pepper, asparagus and carrot in 2 tbsp oil until done. Stir in seasoning mix, roasted cashew nuts and heat through. 用2汤匙油将虾肉、带子、白果、甜红椒、芦笋及甘笋炒熟,拌入调味料及腰果,炒匀至热透。
Stir-fry shredded black mushroom, Chinese cabbage and carrot with 2 tbsps oil until soft, add stock to bring to boil, add squid slurry to cook together, and then add other seasoning A. 用2汤匙油炒香菇、大白菜和红萝卜丝,稍软时加入高汤烧开,并放入鱿鱼浆同煮,再放入其馀调味料A。
Stir-in fish sauce and lime juice to taste. Garnish with coriander leaf and serve. 加入适量鱼露及柠檬汁。然后用芫荽叶点缀,即可上桌。
Stirring the chicken soup over the gas stove was Sue, Johnsy's best friend. 在煤气炉上搅拌鸡汤的是苏,约翰西的朋友.

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