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All the fastening pieces are made of stainless steel.

All the family are flourishing. 全家人身体都很好.
All the family is in the pink. 全家人的身体都非常之好。
All the family wore black as a token of their grief. 所有的家人都穿黑色的藉以表达他们的悲痛。
All the farmers were worried, because if it didn't rain, their crops wouldn't grow, and they might starve to death. 农夫们心急如焚,因为如果不下雨,他们的庄稼就长不好,那么他们就可能饿死。
All the fastening pieces are adopted the stainless steel screw. 所有的紧固件都采用不锈钢螺钉。
All the fastening pieces are made of stainless steel. 所有的紧固件均采用不锈钢制作。
All the father's wealth had fallen into his father's brothers's hands and as supposed to be released to Milarepa when he became old enough to be the custodian. 父亲的财产全部落入到密勒日巴伯父的手里,,这些财产原本是应该在密勒日巴长大成人时交还给他的。
All the fellows gathered around, stretching their necks like geese. 其他的人全围上来,[他们的]脖子伸得跟鹅似的。
All the female workers in this factory got a present on March 8. 这家工厂的所有女职工在三八节都得到了一份礼物。
All the fiber cables entering the Optical Distribution Frame should marked the related information observably. 所有进出光纤分配架的光纤,都要按在醒目位置标明相关信息。
All the fields are snowed under; the animals will have to feed indoors. 田野全被大雪覆盖了,牲畜只能在室内喂食。

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