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Meanwhile, in the process of growing up in peace, China should be independent, pay more attention to the existing problem and resolve the problem.

Meanwhile, in the absence of official numbers, with the heightened tension surrounding racial issues, and with the mutual suspicion that exists among competing racial and ethnic interest groups, there's little agreement on what intermarriage will mean for 同时,由于缺乏官方数据、种族问题情势日趋紧张、相互竞争的种/民族利益集团间相互猜疑,人们对异族婚姻在未来美国社会中的影响还没有形成一致看法。
Meanwhile, in the aspect of balance of payments, China has also embarking on transforming its double-surplus for the moment in current and capital accounts. 此外,在国际收支平衡方面,中国也已经在着手改变目前经常项目和资本项目的双顺差问题。
Meanwhile, in the capital, Kabul, police arrested three men they say were planning a suicide bombing. 同时,在首都喀布尔,警方逮捕了3名男子,据警方说,这些男子正在策划一次自杀式炸弹袭击。
Meanwhile, in the marrow cavity, osteoclasts are eroding the bone that was deposited early in life, and other cells are making secondary bone tissue along the perimeter of the cavity or invading the cortex (outer layer) of the remaining bone to remodel it 与此同时,在髓腔中,蚀骨细胞持续侵蚀较早沉积的骨质;并有其他细胞沿著髓腔周围产生次生骨组织,或是侵入既存骨骼的皮质(外层)来为其重新塑形。
Meanwhile, in the other group there was little inclination either to profligate spending or to good works. 与此同时,在另外一个小组中却很少发现有肆意挥霍或致力于善行的倾向。
Meanwhile, in the process of growing up in peace, China should be independent, pay more attention to the existing problem and resolve the problem. 同时,在和平崛起进程中,中国又要以自己为主,来关注和解决自己的问题。
Meanwhile, in the sprawling white farmhouse next door, Catherine Beatty, 84, Jacob's grandmother and the matriarch of this clan, is setting out a huge homemade meal of ham, corn, milk, biscuits, macaroni, fresh fruit pie and coffee. 与此同时,在隔壁随意搭建的白色农舍里,雅各布84岁的祖母凯瑟琳.贝蒂正在把自己烹制的丰盛餐点摆放到餐桌上。
Meanwhile, initial research on the NaH2PO2 concentration in the bath, shows that it can greatly improve the deposition rate of electroless tin and has the effect of positive promoting reaction dynamics too. 同时,对镀液中次磷酸钠的初步研究表明:它能明显提高锡的沉积速度,对反应动力学有着积极的促进作用。
Meanwhile, injured right-hander Phil Hughes, on the disabled list with a strained left hamstring, threw on flat ground on Sunday. 同时,受伤的右投手休斯,因为左腿拉伤在伤兵名单上,在星期天平地上投了球。
Meanwhile, innovatory environment will determine the effect of innovatory education in a great deal. 同时,创业环境对创业教育的成效起着重要的制约作用。
Meanwhile, it also enjoys popularity among foreigners. 京剧还受到外国人的喜爱。

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