More subtly, as native Anglophones are increasingly outnumbered by people who speak English as a second language, the future of their own language is passing from their hands. |
中文意思: 更微妙的是,随着以英语为第二语言的人数逐渐超过了以英语为母语者,英语的未来也将被“双手奉上”。 |
More strike than the color was his gaze, when he looked at you in earnest.
他们是蓝色的——深蓝色(天青石化石粉制成的颜料)。 |
More strong hurricanes have hit the U.S. mainland since 1995 than in the 25 years before that. There were periods of comparably strong hurricanes earlier in the 20th century.
自一九九五年,与先前廿五年相较,有更多强烈飓风袭击美国本土;在廿世纪稍早,也有强度可与现今飓风规模相比的时期出现过。 |
More students than ever before have sit for their law examination this year.
今年参加法律考试的学生比以往都多。 |
More stuff retained - More information is now retained across program restarts, including flap detection history.
更加智能的保留-在运行期间被一个外部命令改变的不同主机和服务指令的值,现在将会在重启后保留。 |
More subtle networking bottlenecks include frequent access to slow network services such as DNS, or allocating insufficient memory for networking software.
更多在网络不佳时导致访问速度降低的原因有DNS或者内存不足等。 |
More subtly, as native Anglophones are increasingly outnumbered by people who speak English as a second language, the future of their own language is passing from their hands.
更微妙的是,随着以英语为第二语言的人数逐渐超过了以英语为母语者,英语的未来也将被“双手奉上”。 |
More subtly, global exchanges disagree about the value they put on everything from food companies to banks, even after taking account of differences in a firm's local prospects.
更确切地说,世界各地的交易所哪怕在斟酌过每家地区性分公司的发展前景后,仍然就已成定制的从食品公司到银行中涉及的每笔交易标准产生分歧。 |
More such gains can be expected from any further enlargement.
可以预计,进一步的扩大会带来更多的收益。 |
More suitable for the department needing use of the higher purification origin, such as the process of grain and oil, food and drink, medicine and health, textile and dyeing, spray paint of top grade, making cigarette and brewing wine, aqua-culture, elect
更适用于粮油加工、食品饲料、医药卫生、纺织印染、高档喷漆、卷烟酿酒、水产养殖、电子仪器、交通电信、石油化工、科研院所等需要较高净化气源的部门使用。 |
More suitable for the department needing use of the higher purification origin,such as the process of grain and oil,food and drink,medicine and health,textile and dyeing,spray paiay of top grade,making cigarette and brewing wine,aqua-culture,election inst
更适用于粮油加工、食品饲料、医药卫生、纺织印染、高档喷漆、卷烟酿酒、水产养殖、电子仪器、交通电信、石油化工、科研院所等需要较高净化气源的部门使用。 |
More sun and air for your son and heir.
译文:这里有充足的阳光,清新的空气,一切为了您的子孙后代。 |