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Rogers's Learning Theory is generally known as humanism, but from the other point of view, it also can be viewed as constructivism which can be seen from its emphasis on knowledge implementation and uncertainty, the interactive learning method based on th

Roger: Yeah, I need it, Patty. You're thoughtful. 罗杰:是的,帕蒂,我需要这种皮带。你想得真周到。
Roger: Yes, but that color won't go with everything. Get a pair of navy blue. 罗杰:喜欢,但是这个颜色和什么都不配,买双深蓝色的吧。
Roger: Yes, for this counter. 罗杰:这里就买这些了,多少钱?
Rogers and Hammerstein's musical South Pacific'. 罗杰斯和哈默斯坦的音乐喜剧 南太平洋 .
Rogers's Constructivism Learning Theory emphasize on the role of emotion and psychological atmosphere of learning environment in learning activities which has more inspirations for improving and perfecting Constmctivism. 罗杰斯的建构主义学习观强调情感和学习环境的心理氛围在学习活动中的地位,这一点对于建构主义的完善与发展具有启发意义。
Rogers's Learning Theory is generally known as humanism, but from the other point of view, it also can be viewed as constructivism which can be seen from its emphasis on knowledge implementation and uncertainty, the interactive learning method based on th 摘要罗杰斯的学习理论通常被认为是人本主义的,其实从另一角度解读,它又是建构主义的,具体表现在对知识应用性和不确定性的强调、整合学生经验的互动的学习途径与方式和以学习者为中心的评价观。
Rogers's use of the phrase “let the word go forth from this place” conjured up memories of another statement that began almost the same way. 罗杰斯的说法「让人们听见我的呼吁」,让人想起另一段几乎有相同开头的演说。
Rogers, E. M. (1983). Diffusion of innovations (3rd ed). New York: The Free Press. 罗世宏(1992)。《传播理论—源起、方法与应用》。台北:时英出版社。
Roger, but you must obtain clearance before entering HKG FIR by HKG ATC. 明白,但必须在进入香港飞行情报区以前取得香港空中交通管制的许可。
Roger:Actually, I won't be here. 罗杰:事实上,我明天不会来。
Roger:I don't understand. Will I still get a paycheck? 罗杰︰我不了解。我还是有薪水可领吧?

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