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I can't undertake that you will win in the election.

I can't understand this problem. I'm all at sea. 我不懂这个问题,我完全摸不着头脑。
I can't understand why everyone is so crazy about big-name brands. 我弄不懂大家为什么这样热衷于名牌商品。
I can't understand why he avoided speaking to us. 我不明白他为什么总不跟我们说话.
I can't understand why your plan fell through. 我不懂你的计划为什么竟会失败。
I can't undertake that you will meet with no difficulties. 我不能保证你不会遇到困难。
I can't undertake that you will win in the election. 我不能保证你在选举中会赢。
I can't use my computer. It's out of order yesterday. 我没有办法使用我的电脑。它昨天就故障了。
I can't very well put him off. 所以他刚才给我打来电话通知我他只能在下星期一来。
I can't visualize myself ever getting married. 我不能想像我有朝一日能结婚.
I can't vouch for the accuracy of my memory. 我无法保证我的记忆正确无误。
I can't vouch for the truth of the report. 我不能担保那篇报导的真实性。

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