Napolean himself was once a crying baby.
即使是拿破仑,过去也是啼哭的婴孩。 |
Napoleon Bonaparte shed much blood in his European wars.
拿破伦·波拿巴在他的欧洲战争中使人民血流成河。 |
Napoleon I of France begins his exile on St. Helena in the Atlantic Ocean.
1815年的今天,法兰西的拿破仑一世开始其在大西洋中的圣·海伦娜岛上的流放生活。 |
Napoleon I of France retreats from Moscow.
1812年的今天,法国拿破仑一世从莫斯科撤退。 |
Napoleon III becomes Emperor of France.
1852年,拿破仑三世成为法兰西的皇帝。 |
Napoleon abdicated and went into exile, his empire at an end.
拿破仑退位去过流放生活,他缔造的帝国随之灭亡。 |
Napoleon called himself Emperor of the French.
拿破仑自称为法国皇帝。 |
Napoleon called the square the “finest drawing room in Europe.” Tourists have been going there for centuries to visit its celebrated café and get a taste of the party atmosphere.
几个世纪来,游客们纷沓而至,领略此地著名的咖啡馆并感受欢乐的聚会气氛。 |
Napoleon crushed many opponents, but Wellington proved to be his nemesis.
拿破仑征服了许多对手,但威灵顿最后成为他的强敌。 |
Napoleon declared, Victory belongs to the most persevering.
拿破仑宣称,胜利属于坚持不懈的人。 |
Napoleon dismissed Britain as a nation of shopkeepers, but its emerging might as a trading power helped fight him off.
拿破仑将英国视为“店主之国”,毫不将其放在眼里;但是奉行贸易立国政策的英国,凭借其迅猛崛起之势,击败了拿破仑的法国。 |