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Smiles send us light in the darkness.Smiles bring us warm sunlight on a cold winterday.Smiles can break the hard ice.

Smiled with bloodless lips. 嘴唇苍白地微笑
Smiles are like the rainbow. 微笑犹如彩虹。
Smiles can break the hard ice. 微笑能打破坚冰。
Smiles help you forget your sadness. 微笑让你忘却悲伤。
Smiles send us light in the darkness. 微笑在黑暗中给我们送来光明。
Smiles send us light in the darkness.Smiles bring us warm sunlight on a cold winterday.Smiles can break the hard ice. 微笑在黑暗中送给我们光明,微笑在寒冷冬日带给我们温暖。微笑能打破坚冰,微笑犹如彩虹。雨天结束,天空美丽如昔。
Smiling Buddha Cixin using natural green from the Jade Carving, crafted, Colleagues also head of the Buddha carved semicircular, and add more auspicious of the word meaning beautiful. 此款笑佛采用天然墨绿色岫玉雕刻而成,工艺细致,玉佛头顶上还刻着半圆形的佛光,更增添了吉祥美好的寓意。
Smiling a little always helps. 面带微笑总是有好处的。
Smiling is inseparable from the smilers, for it can neither be bought nor rented. 微笑是微笑者的专利,既不能买也不能租。
Smiling makes you feel better. 微笑会使你心情变好。
Smiling tentatively at him, she said. “Good afternoon, Deputy. 她勉强微笑着说,“副队长,下午好。”

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