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A few basic guidelines for mortar teams follow.

A few SEO's will even change their bid prices in real time to create the illusion that they controlother search engines and can place themselves in the slot of their choice. 少数SEO甚至不愿意适时地调整竞标价以制造一种他们“掌控”着其它搜索引擎并有权选择将其排列在任意位置上的假象。
A few Sundays ago it reached rock bottom when the minister preached his wife, the organist and the two presiding officers for that date. 几星期前牧师向他的妻子、风琴手及两个主持会务的干事宣讲那一天的教义时,会众的人数降到了最低点。
A few apples remained on the tree. 树上剩下了一点苹果。
A few assignments may call for extra effort, including data collection. 有些作业可能特别费力,包括搜集资料。
A few attempts have been made to fix the system. 他们做出了一些努力希望调整该制度。
A few basic guidelines for mortar teams follow. 下面是一些迫击炮组的基础操作指南。
A few basic truths have to be recognized. 一些基本真理必须认识到。
A few big companies have opened offices abroad in order to circumvent our tax laws. 一些大公司在国外设立办事处,以躲避我国的税法。
A few blocks from the bridge lies one of the oldest bullring in Spain. 从桥的这边几个街区连接着西班牙最老的旧城区。
A few bright wispy markings curl around the eastern limb of Rhea (1,528 kilometers, 949 miles across). 一些小而明亮的斑纹缠绕在土卫五的东部。(直径1,528公里,949英里).
A few cases of influenza cropped out every now and then. 不时出现一些流行性感冒的病例。

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