However, as I spoke quite a bit of Chinese and as I would thus have an opportunity to observe the Communist rear areas without being overseen by a Chinese translator, I did not object to these conditions too strenuously. |
中文意思: 但我中国话讲的还可以,同时这样可以有机会现察共产党的后方地区而不受中国译员的监视,所以我不很在乎此行的艰难条件。 |
However, anyone under the age of twenty-one must also attend a motorcycle rider's school.
但是,21岁以下人士还必须到摩托车驾驶学校学习驾车。 |
However, aortic dissection was suspected during cardiac catheterization and then comfirmed by echocardiography.
然而在心导管过程中怀疑有主动脉剥离而后被心脏超音波所确定。 |
However, apart from Malinowski and Firth, the Egyptologist Gardiner's contribution should also receive due credit.
但是,除了马林诺夫斯基和弗斯,还应该看到语言学家加德纳的贡献。 |
However, application of law in international arbitration issues of involves complicated private international law, including conflict laws, and civil laws regulating foreign-related disputes, and the use of substantive law in civil proceeding for foreign
国际商事仲裁领域中的法律适用问题,即涉及到国际私法中有关冲突法的理论,又关涉各国的国内有关涉外民商事案件法律适用以及国际民事诉讼的实体法。 |
However, applications of the reinforcement method will lead to some negative problems for environmental protection, i.e. destroying original vegetations, not being harmonized with surroundings, and so on.
然而,在应用锚喷结构进行边坡加固的同时却有可能引起原有植被的破坏或与周边环境不协调等环保问题。 |
However, as I spoke quite a bit of Chinese and as I would thus have an opportunity to observe the Communist rear areas without being overseen by a Chinese translator, I did not object to these conditions too strenuously.
但我中国话讲的还可以,同时这样可以有机会现察共产党的后方地区而不受中国译员的监视,所以我不很在乎此行的艰难条件。 |
However, as I started learning more and making new Amway friends, I got to know more about myself and felt inspired to plan for the future.
后来透过学习和与不同层面的人士接触后,开始更加了解自己,启发了我思考自己的人生方向。 |
However, as Jay is much slimer than Cha Tae-hyun, he's been teased as the thin version of Cha Tae-hyun.
不过因为周董的身材比车太铉苗条,所以在这支广告中被笑称「瘦版的车太铉」。 |
However, as Shaya stepped up to the plate, the pitcher moved a few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shaya should at least be able to make contact.
但是,在沙亚走向垒板的时候,投手移动了几步,把球轻轻缓慢地低手掷过来,这样沙亚至少能碰到球。 |
However, as a matter of fact, there are conflicts between personal-based and state-based outlook, the idea of punishment-free system and the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime and the principle of suiting punishment to crim
但不容忽视的是在中国,刑事和解本身的个人本位刑法观与国家本位刑法观之间、去刑化思维与罪刑法定、罪责刑相适应原则之间以及复合正义刑罚观与公众的报应正义的刑罚观之间的对立、背离与对抗。 |
However, as a result of the class struggle rather than social contract, the state unavoidably becomes a tool, with which the ruling class plays its own game.
但是,因为国家不是社会契约的结果,而是阶级斗争的结果,因此,国家不免成为在阶级斗争中获胜的统治阶级的工具。 |