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Sorry, we don't know from nothing about Latin.

Sorry, we can't entertain your claim. 对不起,我们不能受理你们的索赔。
Sorry, we don't accept foreign currency. 抱歉,我们不接受外币.
Sorry, we don't handle any tax-free goods at our store. 对不起,我们这里不出售免税商品。
Sorry, we don't have any one in you size. 对不起,我们没有您要的尺寸。
Sorry, we don't have chicken burger right now, could you order something else? 对不起,我们现在没有鸡腿汉堡,可以点其他的吗?
Sorry, we don't know from nothing about Latin. 对不住,我们对拉丁文一窍不通。
Sorry, we have no bargain. 对不起,我们不还价.
Sorry, we have no foam carpet aids (no foam spraying service) in the airport, request proceeding to your alternate aerodrome. 很遗憾,我们机场没有泡沫地毯设备(没有泡沫喷射设备),请飞往备降机场。
Sorry, we have no vacant (spare) room for you. But I can recommend ou to the Orient Hotel where you may get a spare room. 对不起,我们已经客满了。但是我可以介绍您去东方饭店,那里有空余的房间。
Sorry, we have no vacant (spare) room for you. But I can recommend you to the Orient Hotel where you may get a spare room. 对不起,我们已经客满了。但是我可以介绍您去东方饭店,那里有空余的房间。
Sorry, we have no vacant ( are) room for you. But I can recommend you to the Orient Hotel where you may get a are room. 对不起,我们已经客满了。但是我可以介绍您去东方饭店,那里有空余的房间。

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