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Gershwin: for Piano.

Gerrard revealed the team are benefitting from a club atmosphere, with the players encouraged to mix together when not training. 杰拉德表示队伍有益于俱乐部的气氛,队员们都互相鼓励在不训练的时候。
Gerrard said: I don't want to say too much because I will get into trouble, but the referee didn't play well. 吉拉德说:“我不想说太多,因为我陷入了困境,但是裁判却做出了错误的判罚。”
Gerrard, whose two goals helped England to finally dispose of Andorra, said: We are missing Michael at the moment. It will be great when he is back. 刚刚在对安道尔的比赛当中进了两个球的杰拉德表示说:“我们现在很想念欧文,如果他回到阵中,那简直是太棒了。”
Gerry : Well I took her out to dinner and she spent half the time texting her girlfriends on her mobile. 格里:我邀她去吃晚饭,她却有一半时间用行动电话和女朋友传简讯。
Gerry: I'm too busy right now. Put it in my in-box, would you please? I'll add it to my PIM's To-Do list. 我现在太忙了。请把它放在我的信箱里,我会把它加在我的商务通执行表中。
Gershwin: <It Aint Necessarily Sofrom Porgy and Bess> for Piano. 格什温:不必如此,取自音乐剧《波吉与贝丝》,俗称黑人卡门(钢琴曲).
Gerstle Gary. American Crucible: Race and Nation in the Twentieth Century. 2001. 《美国大熔炉:二十世纪的种族和国家》2001.
Gertie's great-grandma grew aghast at Gertie's grammar. 格蒂的曾祖母被格蒂的文法吓呆了。
Gertrude Stein, a famous American writer who knew him in his youth, mentioned this hungry look, and one can still see it in pictures of him today. 自青年时代就与之相识的美国著名作家格特鲁德·斯坦因曾提到过那种如饥似渴的眼神,那种神情今天依然可以在毕加索的照片中看到。
Gertsle, Gary. Working-Class Americanism: The Politics of Labor in a Textile City, 1914-1960. 1989. 《劳工阶级的美国主义:1914-1960年纺织业城市的劳工政治》1989.
Geser is a hero image portrayed in the Tibetan and Mongolian epic. 摘要格斯尔是藏族和蒙古族史诗《格(萨)斯尔》中所塑造的英雄人物。

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