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Sori 1-5 pairs borne on the lower surface of ultimate lobes at the end of basal veins; indusium dehiscent in two equal halves when mature.

Sorghum farmers in eastern Uganda , working with scientists, have tested some lower-cost ways to improve their soil. 东乌干达种植高粱的农民与科学家们一起,对用更为节约成本的方法改善当地土质做了试验。
Sorghum farmers in eastern Uganda, working with scientists, have tested some lower-cost ways to improve their soil. 乌干达东部种植高梁的农民与科学家合作,试验用一些低成本方法改善土壤状况。
Sorghum is an important food grain in southern Africa . 高粱是南部非洲一种重要的食物。
Sorghum is an important food grain in southern Africa. 高梁是非洲南部地区重要的粮食作物。
Sorghum is an important food grown in southern Africa. 在非洲南部地区,高梁是一种重要的粮食作物。
Sori 1-5 pairs borne on the lower surface of ultimate lobes at the end of basal veins; indusium dehiscent in two equal halves when mature. 孢子囊群1-5对,生于末回裂片下面近基部小脉顶端;囊群盖成熟时对开2裂。
Sori borne along the longitudinal veins and protected by the reflexed edges of the ultimate segments of pinnules. 孢子囊沿能育叶裂片的纵脉两侧著生,并为裂片反卷的边缘所覆盖。
Sori borne near the costule, indusium spherical, membranous. 孢子囊群靠近中脉著生;囊群盖球形,膜质。
Sori hemispheroid, in 2-3 series on each side along the costules, without indusium. 孢子囊群圆形,沿中脉两侧各排成2-3行,无囊群盖。
Soroos, Marvin. Beyond Sovereignty: The Challenge of Global Policy.University of South Carolina, 1986. 主权之外:全球政治的挑战〉,南加大,1986年。
Sorrel will assist initiates in learning to commune with soul, earth and nature for guidance and healing. 酢浆草将协助提升者学会和灵魂、地球和大自然互相通讯以获得引导及疗愈。

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