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It was a wild and woolly town.

It was a way of trying to stop the fight. 这是一种试图制止打架的方法。
It was a well-timed intervention. 此次干涉时机适宜。
It was a while before I was forgiven. 这是一个,而以前,我原谅.
It was a white Christmas for US troops in Afghanistan as more than 6 inches of snow fell near Kabul. 当超过6英寸厚的雪花在喀布尔附近飘落时,驻守在阿富汗的美军度过了一个白色的圣诞节。
It was a white plane with red trim, that's all I can say. 是一架白色的装饰红色的飞机,知道的就这些了。
It was a wild and woolly town. 这是一座不文明的城镇。
It was a woman's first time on a plane. She boarded the plane and found herself a window seat. 有个妇女第一次坐飞机。上了飞机后她找到自己的座位坐了下来。
It was a wonderful addition to the occasion. 颁奖礼前的这一幕简直太妙了。
It was a wooden bench of a medium length. 这是一条中等长度的木头长椅。
It was a yellowish brown and seemed coated with a rough and half-dry mucus. 而是一种泛黄的红褐色,就像被涂上了一层粗糙而半干的粘液。
It was able to make charges stick in just 71 cases (and dismissed them in another 53). 但只证实了其中71宗(而撤销了另外的53宗)指控。

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