Walk up! Walk up! The performance is about to begin.
快来看! 快来看! 马上开演了. |
Walk your own way, pass by those in taxies.
走自己的路,让别人打车去吧。 |
Walk, bike, carpool or take mass transit more often. You'll save one pound of carbon dioxide for every mile you don't drive.
增加步行、骑车、合伙用车或乘坐公交车的次数。每少开1英里(约1.6千米)车,便可以少排放1磅二氧化碳。 |
Walk-behind battery powered scrubber-drier with disc brushes for basic cleaning, maintenance cleaning and polishing; capacity up to 2,780 sq.m/h.
手推式盘刷型洗地吸干机,可用于地面的基本清洁,地面维护和抛光等。洗地效率达2780平米/小时。 |
Walked along the road to the mountain top, I who have been in Changsha for four years felt the beauty of Yuelu from such close quarters for the first time.
沿着盘山公路向山顶进发,已经在长沙生活了四年的我,真的是第一次如此近距离的感受岳麓“枫叶流丹、红舞秋山”的美妙。 |
Walked out of the teahouse, Su Dongpo asked Fo Yin, “The guy's manner was very bad, wasn't he?
走出茶馆门口,苏东坡问佛印:“这家伙态度很差,是不是?” |
Walker : We have always practiced landscape architecture as an art form, equal to painting and sculpture.
您怎样看待景观中艺术性与功能性的关系? |
Walker Magnetics is an international leader in the design and manufacture of a wide range of products for industry and the applied sciences.
美国沃克磁性公司在许多工业和应用科学领域具有国际领先的设计和制造能力。 |
Walker also provides material analysis and magnetic conditioning equipment for research and industrial uses.
美国沃克公司还提供磁性材料分析和调质设备。 |
Walker says that storytelling works best when there is a lot of audience diversity — it helps to tell the story many times to a variety of people.
沃克说,面对许多不同听众讲故事的效果最好--这有利于把故事多次讲述个不同的人听。 |
Walking Tour is to provide a chance for the youngsters to experience the architecture, to discover the wealth of architectural influences &styles as well as to test and demonstrate the possibility of implanting “Architecture Education” into the course of
「建筑漫游」(暂名)提供一个让青少年接触建筑的机会,希望藉此使他们认识不同建筑风格,从而为「建筑教育」列入通识教学科目建立基础。 |