Pilot: Ten seconds to dropoff. Standby... Status OK, all green. Prepare for dropoff... Countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. |
中文意思: 飞行员:十秒后空投。预备...状态良好,一切正常。准备跳伞...倒计时:5,4,3,2,1。 |
Pilot: Flying over Pakistan, altitude 30,000 feet. Approaching Soviet airspace.
飞行员:飞行在巴基斯坦上空,海拔30000英尺,接近苏联领空。 |
Pilot: In front of us there's a strange magnetic field. The flight is out of control. Navigating system doesn't work any more!
飞行员:前方出现了奇怪的磁场,飞机失去了控制。导航仪全部失灵。 |
Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen, the safety belt light has been turned off, although we do advise you to keep it fastened when seated.
机长:女士们、先生们,安全带指示灯已经关闭,但我们还是建议您在就座时不要解开安全带。 |
Pilot: Okay, now lets fuel this baby up and get the hell out of here.
驾驶员:好了,现在给我们宝贝儿加满油,然后赶紧离开这倒霉地方。 |
Pilot: One minute to dropoff. Move to the rear. Activate bailout bottle.
飞行员:1分钟空投,到后舱门去,打开氧气瓶。 |
Pilot: Ten seconds to dropoff. Standby... Status OK, all green. Prepare for dropoff... Countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
飞行员:十秒后空投。预备...状态良好,一切正常。准备跳伞...倒计时:5,4,3,2,1。 |
Pilot: Understood. Aborting mission. RTB.
飞行员:收到,中断任务,RTB。 |
Pilot: We apologize for the delay in Seoul.
机长:由于在汉城耽搁了过多时间,我们向大家表示抱歉。 |
Pilot: We could use some of the gas cans left at the airfield.
驾驶员:我们可以用那些机场里剩下的油桶。 |
Pilot: We've already sent a signal for remote scrapping, but you bring up a good point. Why don't you go and check get to make certain.
驾驶员:我们已经发射了遥控拆除信号,不过你说的不错。还是去检查下,以防万一。 |
Pilot: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, aboard flight number SA018.
机长:女士们、先生们,欢迎您乘坐SA018航班。 |