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Scared 2 confess what I'm feeling.

Scare me to death, something that big. 那么大的地方会吓死我的。
Scare me too. I didn't realize a woman could be that shameless. 我也被吓到了!我没意识到一个女人可以那么无耻的!
Scarecrow - Poor guy hates fire. We burnedhim down first, fire spells disorient him and he runs in circles on fire =(. No tank needed for him. 稻草人-可怜的娃害怕火系法术。我们烧掉了他,火焰法术能让他失去目标,在火堆里打转。不需要坦克。
Scarecrow: But that's so easy? I should have thought of it for you. 稻草人:不过就这么简单吗?我早该为你想出来的。
Scarecrow: Then why didn't you tell her before? 稻草人:那你以前为什么不告诉她?
Scared 2 confess what I'm feeling. 不敢流露出自己的情感。
Scared of looking a little too gothic in head to toe black? 担心从头到脚一身黑会让你看上去哥特风格有点儿过浓?
Scared of the approaching tomorrow, 害怕即将到来的明天,
Scared was I to see a flying saucer land on the lawn in front of my office. 看到一个飞碟降落在我办公室前的草坪上,我吓坏了.
Scarlet fever is a contagious disease. 猩红热是有传染性的疾病。
Scarlet fever is highly contagious. 猩红热传染性很强。

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