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A very brief, close-fitting bathing suit worn by men.

A vertical submerged pump with elegant profile, directly mounted at the reservoir of medium to be delivered, with no additional floor space required to economize infrastructural construction investment. 泵为立式液下泵,外形美观,直接安装在被输送介质的储存器上,无额外占地面积,从而降低了基建投入。
A vertical support at the center of a circular staircase. 螺旋楼梯中柱环行楼梯中间的垂直支撑
A vertical two dimensional model for thermo stratified flows is proposed, which solves the velocity and pressure by a fractional step method, and Large Eddy Simulation model is used to calculate the Reynolds stress and turbulent diffusion effect. 摘要建立立面二维水动力学与水温耦合模型,用分步法求解流速和压力,采用大涡模型计算紊动应力和紊动扩散。
A vertically set fishing net of three layers, consisting of a finely meshed net between two nets of coarse mesh. 三层刺网一种三层竖向安置的渔网,由一层细目网夹在两层粗目网中构成
A very annoying situation at home will clear up soon. Accept it the way it is, and it will change. 家中相当恼人的情况很快就会耳目一新了。接受现状,很快就有转变了。
A very brief, close-fitting bathing suit worn by men. 比基尼一种男子穿的非常短小的紧身游泳衣
A very brief, close-fitting two-piece bathing suit worn by women. 比基尼一种妇女穿的两件装非常短小的紧身游泳衣
A very clear night, isn't it? 这真是一个很晴朗的夜晚,是不是?
A very common mistake in Web design is spreading the horizontal width of your page graphics beyond the area most viewers can fit on their 14-15 inches display screens. 一个在设计上非常常见的错误就是:把水平宽度设计的很大,以至于不能在用户使用最多的14-15英寸显示器上全屏显示。
A very common remark that I hear from visitors is they don't know which programs they have to put on their site in order to make good revenue. 我听到来自于访问者议论最多的东西就是,他们不知道该把哪种”会员制营销”放置在网站上以获取不错的收益。
A very common sedimentary rock is called shale, which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed. 一种十分常见的水成岩叫油页岩,他是一种很软的岩石,很明显是因为被压积在海底而后形成的。

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