Starting from an altitude of no less than twenty (20) meters, and on a heading parallel to the flight line, and to the pilot right start your Autorotation.
机头保持与航道平行,且高度不得低于20公尺,朝操控者的右侧开始执行熄火降落。 |
Starting from an analysis of the noise resource of urban rail transit and its mechanism, this paper introduces a block diagram of reducing noise and vibration, and holds that measures of reducing noise and vibration be presented in rail structure in the e
摘要从城市轨道交通噪声源和産生机理入手,介绍了城市轨道交通减振降噪网络图,提出了轨道结构方面减振降噪的措施。 |
Starting from any altitude and orientation, and to the pilot right start your Auger. The helicopter does not have to be pirouetting when the Auger starts.
先将直升机保持在任意的高度及方向,朝操控者的右侧开始执行螺旋钻的动作。在执行螺旋钻的动作之前,机体不须保持自旋。 |
Starting from benchmark model of incentive mechanism, the paper discussed the statistical backgrounds of First Order Condition and Likelihood Ratio Condition, the information meaning of Sufficient Statistics and its derivation in Relative Performance Eval
从激励机制的基准模型出发,探讨一阶条件法与似然比条件的统计背景、充分统计量的信息含义及其在比较业绩评价方面的推广应用、多期情形下大样本理论与贝叶斯估计对激励配置的改善。 |
Starting from general concept, effectiveness evaluating models based on queuing theory are not only feasible but also simple in calculation within full consideration of whole effect.
基于排队论建立的舰艇防空抗击效能评估模型,是从整体观念出发,宏观地考虑总体效果,不但切实可行,而且计算简便。 |
Starting from nowhere, he became a leading statesman in a few years.
他从一个无名之辈几年之内成了一个大政治家。 |
Starting from sedimentary characteristics and connecting relation of sandbody, and by applying fluvial facies sedimentary theory, the geological characteristics of different kind of response wells in polymer flooding test area at south part of Lamadian oi
应用河流相沉积理论,从砂体的沉积特征和连通关系入手,分析了喇嘛甸油田南块注聚合物试验区不同类型见效井的地质特征,从而搞清了影响聚合物驱效果的原因,为今后编制聚合物驱方案及动态分析提供了依据。 |
Starting from sometime, all things existing in this wild world, like Sam-ma, canned meat and even plastic wrap, have been labeled with a date of expiration, and that has triggered my diffidence in the permanent validity of anything on this planet.
不知道从什么时候开始,在什么东西上面都有个日期,秋刀鱼会过期,肉罐头会过期,连保鲜纸都会过期,我开始怀疑,在这个世界上,还有什么东西是不会过期的? |
Starting from straight and level flight after the helicopter passes the pilot, the helicopter is smoothly pulled through a loop (Aft Cyclic).
先保持水平直线飞行,当直升机通过操控者后,开始平滑地拉高机头(打升舵),使飞行轨迹成为一个环状。 |
Starting from straight and level flight after the helicopter passes the pilot, the helicopter is smoothly pulled vertical (Aft Cyclic).
先保持水平直线飞行,当直升机通过操控者后,开始平滑地拉高机头(打升舵),使机头朝上垂直爬升。 |
Starting from symmetry properties of equation and considering the variable-coefficient of the equation as a new dependent variable,a new general method to solve variable-coefficient equation is proposed.The solution of variable-coefficient equation can be
将非线性方程的变系数看作与实际物理场具有相等地位的新变量,利用普遍的经典李群方法可以求解某些特殊类型的变系数方程,其解由相应的常系数方程的解表示.以非线性薛定谔方程为具体例子,介绍了这种方法.并给出了特例色散缓变光纤变系数非线性薛定谔方程的精确解. |