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The next day, the most notorious scandal of the 20th century in America, the Watergate, is brought to the front page.

The next day, she tried to buy three cans of dog food. Again the cashier demanded proof that she had a dog, because older people sometimes eat dog food. 第二天,老太太又想买三罐狗粮,结果收银台小姐又提出了同样的要求,因为老年人有时也吃狗粮。
The next day, the city government sent someone to take a basket of fruit to Agnes. 第二天,市政府派人给艾格尼丝送来一篮水果。
The next day, the crowd found the tomb open and empty, at once the rumor spread that the supreme judge had sent his angels to carry away the mortal remains of the saint in whom darct on earth apart of the divine spirit. 第七节:『次日『群众发现墓穴已被打开,墓内空空,谣言立刻就传播了出去:最高的主已派天使们来将圣者灵性所寄住的尘世遗留肉体移走了。』
The next day, the largest restaurant on the block put up a larger sign which said The Best Restaurant in the World. 第二天,该街区最大的餐馆挂出了一块更大的牌子,上面写着:“世界上最好的餐馆。”
The next day, the man came back sadly. 第二天这个人满脸愁容地回来找慧能大师。
The next day, the most notorious scandal of the 20th century in America, the Watergate, is brought to the front page. 第二天,美国二十世纪最大的丑闻,水门事件,被公之于众。)
The next day, the old man boarded the bus energetically, smiled and said in a loud voice: “And a very good morning to you all!” 第二天,这位老人精力充沛地上了车,微笑地大声说:“诸位,早上好啊!”
The next day, they rested, but the following day another try was made,taking a different route. Passang had only one crampon. After major difficulties, they headed back again. 第二天他们休息养精蓄锐;但是第三天他们从另外一条不同的路线尝试冲顶。帕桑只剩下一只冰爪了。在遇到极大困难之后,他们又一次往回下撤。
The next day, while having our dinner, we tasted some yellow rice wine in Xian Heng Tavern, which is the very tavern mentioned in Lu Xun's works. 第二天晚上吃饭的时候,我和朋友一起品尝了绍兴黄酒,地点正好在鲁迅文章中出现过的咸亨酒店。
The next day—the second day of sight—I should arise with the dawn and see the thrilling miracle by which night is trams formed into day. 第二天——也就是被赋于光明的第二天,我将伴着曙光起床,目睹由黑夜变成白天的激动人心的奇观。
The next day, Toby walked on the street with his head held high and his tail up. 第二天,托比头抬得高高的翘着尾巴走在街上。

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