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People who love make the world a kind and gentle place and other people feel safe around them.

People who live near the shores of quiet bays where whales visit can sometimes hear their beautiful songs even above water. 在鲸鱼出没的幽静海湾边之居民有时甚至能听到海上鲸鱼美妙的声音。
People who lived in that society, even in these days have always possessed the concept that the combination between a courtesan and an ordinary man is impracticable, unthinkable. 人是社会的人,甚至在当今,社会上的人早已形成了一种观念,对于妓女与普通人的结合有怀疑的,也有否定的。
People who look beyond their present difficulty and put their trust in God's goodness cannot help but be joyful. 他们可将眼光放远,跨越眼前的困难,并将信心放在上帝的信实上,就自然而然地喜乐起来了。
People who love Diana are disgusted with the overt love relationship between Prince Charles and Camilla. 查尔斯王子和卡米拉公开的情人关系使喜欢戴按娜的人反感。
People who love Dianna are disgusted with the overt love relationship between Prince Charles and Camilla. 查尔斯王子和卡米拉公开的情人关系使喜欢戴安娜的人反感。
People who love make the world a kind and gentle place and other people feel safe around them. 心中有爱的人让世界充满仁慈和儒雅之风,让周围的人感到安全。
People who love this system ought to know that it is our idealism made real. 喜爱这个系统的人应该会明白,正是这个系统使我们的理想变得现实。
People who market goods need to find out what the man in the street wants. 销售货品的人需要发现普罗大众想要什麽。
People who often feel sorry and guilty generally need to feel and express their hurt and anger before they can feel the self love they deserve. 老是觉得抱歉与内疚的人,通常在感受他们自己心中有爱之前,需要感觉和表达他们的伤害和气愤。
People who overeat compulsively may struggle with anxiety, depression, and loneliness, which can contribute to their unhealthy episodes of binge eating. 强迫过食的人会经常和焦虑,沮丧和孤独作斗争,这些会进一步促进不健康的暴食活动。
People who owe comparatively large amount of debt which is overdue. (四)个人所负数额较大的债务到期未清偿的。

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