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I don't know if I had to play a high game, a low game. I didn't know. I was quite uncomfortable.

I don't know how to use the copier. (我不知道怎么用这台复印机。)
I don't know how translate. 政府拒绝对最近的政治丑闻作任何评价。
I don't know how you can read such filth. 我不知道你怎么会看这种猥亵的读物。
I don't know how you keep track of all your research. 我不知道你们是怎样把握(或:记录)你们所有的研究工作的。
I don't know if I can win again, we will see how the season unfolds. 我不能自己是否能再次获胜,这还要看赛季是如何进展的。
I don't know if I had to play a high game, a low game. I didn't know. I was quite uncomfortable. 我不知道要打快节奏还是慢节奏,我不知道,我打得很不顺。
I don't know if I'll have the patience. 我不知道我有没有耐心。
I don't know if Ted was sincere about our house, but he sure chewed up the scenery! 我不知道特德是否真的对我们的房子感兴趣,但他肯定是装模作样的。
I don't know if a change in L/C is possible. 我不知道改变信用证是不是可能。
I don't know if any good will come of your actions. 我不知道你的行为会带来什么好结果。
I don't know if he knows that his comb over actually makes him look 10 years older. He should just shave it all off. 他到底知不知道自己的九一分界令他老了十年,把头发剃光可能会好看一点。

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