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A children's choir sings during the opening plenary, symbolizing the international fellowship that is a signature of the RI Convention.

A child's education shall begins at least one hundred years before he was born. 儿童教育,应该在还未出生的一百年前开始。
A child's first library of values. 孩子的第一套品德教育文库.
A childhood spent on the farm may provide life-long protection against certain allergies including hay fever, Dr. Benedicte Leynaert of INSERM Unite in Paris, France, and colleagues conclude. 巴黎的一些研究人员日前发表的成果显示,在农场长大的人对诸多过敏症有更强的免疫力。
A childhood terror paralyzed me on the spot, and my mouth filled with a livid saliva, but I walked with my mother into the crowded space that once had been the pharmacy's laboratory, and had been outfitted as an emergency bedroom. 一种儿时的恐惧顿时充斥我的全身,我嘴里涌出大量紫色的口水,但我不得不跟着我妈走到那个隔板后面,那儿曾经是这个药房的实验室,后来还曾被改作临时卧室。
A children's book author and illustrator, Mrs Kessing campaigns to save wild-life from the depredations of cats and other introduced animals, including camels, donkeys and wild horses. 凯欣女士是童书作者与插画家,她倡导解救野生动物,让牠们免受野猫和骆驼、驴子、野马等引进的外来动物蹂躏。
A children's choir sings during the opening plenary, symbolizing the international fellowship that is a signature of the RI Convention. 一个儿童合唱团在开幕式全会中演唱,象徵著国际联谊那是国际扶轮的一个特色。
A childrens' rights specialist with the Plan Malawi group, Martin Nkuna, expresses a feeling common among child advocates that a child grows best within the environment of his or her own family. 一名马拉维计划组织的儿童权利专家表达了儿童权益拥护者的普遍想法,即,儿童在自己的家庭环境下才最有利于成长。
A chill came over her. 一阵寒意袭向她。
A chill came over me, and I quickened my pace. 我感到一阵寒意,便加快脚步离开。
A chilli pepper grown in a polytunnel in Dorset has been claimed as the world's hottest. 近日,英国多西特郡出产的一种据说“会把脑袋辣掉”的红辣椒,被美国香辛料贸易协会认定为“世界上最辣的红辣椒”。
A chilling reminder of our superstitious past has been unearthed from a rural farmhouse. 从一个乡下的农舍已经发掘出使我们从迷信的过去猛醒的东西。

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