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Harriet: What did he lie about then?

Harriet was an extremely pretty girl of seventeen, not in the least brilliant, but with pleasing, unassuming manners, and a gratifying habit of looking up to Emma as a paragon. 哈里特是附近寄宿学校学生,住在校长家里。她年方十七,相貌出众,虽然资质低下,但举止行为却讨人喜欢,毫不做作,又习惯于把爱玛奉为楷模,所以挺称人心意。
Harriet's inquisitive mind led her to become a research scientist. 哈丽特的好奇心使她成为一名从事研究的科学家。
Harriet: I thought he only lied twice. 哈里特:我一位他只撒了两次慌。
Harriet: See? Everyone's done it. Just forgive and forget. 哈瑞特:你看吧?谁都说过谎,你就原谅他,忘了这件事吧。
Harriet: The lies he told don't hurt anybody. They're harmless . 哈瑞特:他说的谎不会伤害人,无伤大雅。
Harriet: What did he lie about then? 哈里特:那时他撒什么谎?
Harris Studios, Inc. - Graphic designer produces commercial art and watercolors of Adirondack scenes. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
Harris re-stained the balcony office's original cedar paneling. 哈里斯将阳台办公区最初的雪松木嵌板重新着色。
Harris went on top in the last lap. 哈里斯在最后一圈跑到了最前面。
Harris, L. M., Confidentiality in Patient Centered Newtorked Health Care Systems.1996. 以病患为中心网络的健康照护系统的机密性〉1996.
Harris, Zellig S. Structural Linguistics[M]. Chicago: the University of Chicago Press, 1951 :iii. 霍凯特著:<现代语言学教程>,索振羽、叶蜚声译,北京大学出版社,1986年,第9页.

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