He pulled a long face when his wife came in.
当他太太进来时,他一副不高兴的样子。 |
He pulled a long face when she refused him.
当她拒绝他时,他一副不高兴的样子。 |
He pulled a manuscript from his inside coat pocket.
他从上衣里面口袋内抽出一份手稿。 |
He pulled a would-be suicide out of a river.
他将一位自杀未遂者从河里拖上来。 |
He pulled at the reins.
他使劲拉住缰绳。 |
He pulled himself out and stated, “Sir, the grave is fit for burial.
那个年轻的战士思维敏捷,他爬上来说,“报告长官,墓穴正合适。” |
He pulled himself upright and began to run along the roof; his foot struck against a piece of stone and he fell, outwards from the roof.
他马上站起来,沿着楼顶逃跑;因脚碰在一块石头上,他从楼顶跌到外面去了。 |
He pulled it off and threw it across the room. And after he caught his breath, he knew he had to follow the hermit's advice.
他把蛇拽下来扔到了对面的墙上。喘过气来以后,他知道自己必须要按照老隐士的建议做了。 |
He pulled off a million-pound deal beautifully.
他圆满地做成了一笔百万英镑的生意。 |
He pulled out a pile of used bank note.
他掏出一叠用旧了的纸币。 |
He pulled out a wide-mouth jar.
他拿出一个阔口的罐子和一些拳头大小的石头。 |