Or have Renault got back on top?
或者雷诺车队能否重返巅峰? |
Or have You utterly rejected us? Are You exceedingly angry with us?
22或是你已经全然弃绝我们,向我们大发烈怒? |
Or have scholars from your district write a letter to your paper from the country where they are now studying to share their experience with your community.
或者请贵地区之奖学生写封信到贵国的报社报告他们学习心得,以便与贵社区分享他们的经验。 |
Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him?
或者我们是否觉得以国王身份出现的天使来管理人们才可靠呢? |
Or have we stumbled onto a deep congruence between the structure of our minds and the structure of the universe?
仅仅是我们将本能的敏锐感知力推向了荒谬的极致,还是我们不经意间摸索到了扎根于人类思想和苍茫万物间那深刻的一致性? |
Or have you, out there in cyberspace, got a copy?
或许,你已经在你的电脑里硬盘面保留了一份拷贝,是吗? |
Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent?
5再者,律法上所记的,当安息日,祭司在殿里犯了安息日,还是没有罪,你们没有念过吗? |
Or he can try to sell the bug at a fixed price exclusively to one company, without going through an auction.
或者也可以尝试向特定公司定价销售漏洞,而不通过拍卖卖出。 |
Or he gradually after feeling my counting on let go?
还是他渐渐的感觉到我的依赖之后放手了呢? |
Or he help to put Mr. McMahon out of his misery.
或帮助他把麦克马洪先生出他的痛苦. |
Or he is less still, just a glint in his grandfather's eye (Adolf here is a product of “Second-Degree Incestuary”, a source of great interest for our narrator).
希特勒或许更为不堪,不过是祖父眼中的一道闪光,(阿道夫?希特勒是二次乱伦的产物,这也是最令作者感兴趣的地方。) |