APPIANO GENTILE - Ex-boxer and great Inter fan Giovanni Parisi watched the Nerazzurri train this morning before greeting Roberto Mancini and the players.
前拳击手和国际米兰球迷乔瓦尼·帕里西周三上午观看了国际米兰队的训练,并与主教练罗伯托·曼奇尼和球员见面。 |
APPIANO GENTILE - Kily González is back from a highly successful summer with the Argentine national team.
从阿根廷国家队归来的基利·冈萨雷斯度过了一个成功的夏天。 |
APPIANO GENTILE - Roberto Mancini divided his squad into two groups for Thursday morning's training session at the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti.
周四上午,国际米兰队在安杰洛·莫拉蒂体育中心进行训练。罗伯托·曼奇尼将他的球队分成了2组。 |
APPIANO GENTILE - Ten days after suffering a lower back injury against Arsenal in the Champions League , Christian Vieri returned to training with the squad.
在冠军杯对阵阿森纳的比赛后背下方受伤后10天,维耶里恢复训练。 |
APPIANO GENTILE - While the fit Nerazzurri were divided into two groups for the main part of today's training, those nursing injuries continued with their recovery programmes.
今天训练的主要内容是主力队员分为两组打对抗比赛,而受伤队员则继续接受恢复治疗。 |
APPLAUSE, n. The echo of a platitude.
掌声:陈词滥调的回音。 |
APPLETON, Wis. - Pets here will be breathing a little easier now that local rescuers will be carrying oxygen masks designed for animals.
美国威斯康星州阿普尔顿市的救援人员为动物们设计了一款氧气面罩。这样,宠物们在今后遇到火灾等险情时呼吸就会更容易一些。 |
APPLE,you can no can not speak English? I head no see!!
苹果,你能不能不说英语?我听不懂!! |
APPLICABLE OBJECTS: Coarse and dark skin, dark-colored and dry skin.
适用对象:皮肤粗黑,肤色暗黄,乾燥缺水。 |
APPLICATION: Apply an appropriate amount on to the hand. Massage for 5 to 10 minutes to gently rub away the dead surface skin cells. Rinse with water.
用法:将本品适量涂于手部,轻揉5~10分钟,直到死皮出现用清水冲洗即可. |
APPLICATION: Apply to Electric truck scale, axle load scale, electro-mechanic scale, static railroad scale.
应用范围:全电子汽车衡、轴重计、机电结合秤、静态轨道衡。 |