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There are more and more one-child families.There are very important relations between the way of family nurture and their children's self-confidence.

There are mixed reports regarding the status of glutathione and glutathione enzyme activities in psoriatic patients but a recent paper by Kokham and Naziroglu indicates that glutathione levels and glutathione peroxidase activity in plasma and red cells is 有许多的报告论及牛皮癣患者的谷胱甘肽和谷胱甘肽酶活动的状态,(研究3)指出患者血浆及红血球内的谷胱甘肽水平和谷胱甘肽过氧化酶活动显著较低。
There are mixed views about Wang's musical innovations. 人们对于王力宏音乐创新的看法不一。
There are more Lecture notes to be uploaded shortly. 不久将会有更多的讲稿上传。
There are more Recitation notes to be uploaded shortly. 不久将会有更多复习讲稿上传。
There are more accessories to model! Revolve the screw curves shown below. 还有很多附件要进行建模,旋转下列螺钉曲线。
There are more and more one-child families.There are very important relations between the way of family nurture and their children's self-confidence. 当代独生子女的家庭越来越多,家庭的教养方式对于青少年的成长,特别是对中专生的自信心的培养有着重要的内在关系。
There are more apples than pears. 苹果比梨子多。
There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter. 夏天路上的车子比冬天多。
There are more girls than boys in our class. 我们班上女孩比男孩多。
There are more in depth information on the solar terms. Due to the lengthy information, we shall post them under “Out-Reach/Commentaries” soon. 除此之外我们还有相当多的节令相关资料,由于版位有限,资料将会于另日于“拓展/评论”中继续。
There are more museums in New York than in Taipei. 纽约的博物馆比台北的博物馆要多。

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