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B: So there is nothing individual!

B: So far our commodities have stood the competition well. 目前为止,我们的商品都是经得起竞争的。
B: So glad you liked it. Hope you'll come again. 很高兴您喜欢这儿的饭菜。希望您再次光临。
B: So now what should we not buy? 所以现在我们什麽不能买?
B: So she could leave from a closer airport. 这样她可以从较近的飞机场起飞。
B: So the arbitration articles have to be included in contract. 所以说需要在合同中写上关于纠纷仲裁的条款。
B: So there is nothing individual! (所有根本无个性可言。)
B: So what? We can go to the convenience store. 那又怎样?我们可以去便利商店呀!
B: So why would you invite a jerk like that anyway? 那你为什么还要邀请这样一个混蛋呀?
B: So, don't just sit there, go do something about it! 那你就别光坐在那儿了,去做点事吧!
B: So. We go on or stop it now? 那现在是干下去还是停下来?
B: Some people think it doesn't make sense. Vera thinks people should just make the commitment and stick to it. 马克:有人觉得这没意义。薇拉觉得人就应该结婚并忠于婚姻。

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