President George Bush has rejected the treaty, calling it unfair in allowing developing countries – such as China, India and Brazil—to carry on emitting greenhouse gases unabated while rich countries must cut theirs.
布什总统已拒绝签署该条约,称该条约不公平,因为它允许诸如中国、印度和巴西等发展中国家继续不受限制地排放温室气体,而发达国家却必须减少它们的排放量。 |
President George Bush said it was “interesting” and experts should discuss it.
美国总统乔治·布什说这个建议很有趣,专家应该研究该建议。 |
President George W. Bush wrote today?s message to the nation exclusively for USA Weekend.
布什总统专为《美国周末》撰写此文,献给全国人民。 |
President Gerald Ford and his wife and daughter visited different places in December 1975.
1975年12月,福特总统和夫人、女儿在中国参观访问。 |
President Giovanni Cobolli Gigli has confirmed the club's interest in Toni, while he also stated that the Bianconeri will do all they can to keep Gianluigi Buffon in Turin.
主席吉利曾公开表示对托尼的兴趣,而同时他也申明,斑马军团会不惜一切代价将布冯留在都灵。 |
President Gloria Arroyo has ordered the military to help with relief efforts.
菲律宾总统阿罗约命令军方协助救援。 |
President Hu Jingtao in”increasing the intensity of ecological and environmental protection and building” a culture that said” Through the establishment of a scientific and effective mechanism for linking the interests,responsibilities and interests of th
胡锦涛主席在《加大生态环境保护和建设力度》一文中指出:“要通过建立一种科学有效的利益联结机制,把群众的责任和利益更好地统一起来,努力开创生产发展、生活富裕和生态良好的文明发展道路。” |
President Hu Jintao arrived in Berlin last night to attend the outreach session of the Group of Eight (G8) industrialized nations' summit in northern Germany.
国家主席胡锦涛于昨晚(6月6日晚)抵达德国首都柏林,将出席在德国北部举行的工业化八国集团扩大首脑会议。 |
President Hu Jintao greets visiting Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing Thursday, August 24, 2006.
八月二十四日,中国国家主席胡锦涛在北京人民大会堂会见了委内瑞拉总统查韦斯。 |
President Hu Jintao is fighting to impose his authority on wayward localities which are defying efforts to rein in economic growth and prevent a frenzy of ill-considered investment that could further cripple the banking system with bad loans.
胡主席正在行使权力管束不听话的地方官员,以调控经济发展速度,防止过渡的投资导致坏帐出现,最终导致银行系统的崩溃。 |
President Hu Jintao puts forward Eight honors and eight shamesto demarcate clearly between what's shameful what's honorable…This principle is of great significance.
胡锦涛同志提出“八荣八耻”社会主义荣辱观,旗帜鲜明地划出了评判是非、善恶、美丑的界限,明确坚持什么、反对什么、倡导什么、抵制什么,意义十分重大。 |