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Zina: I'm saying this ship needs a new captain. 4) Are you with me, or aren't you?

Zina: I hope you're not turning into a 2) sissy on me, Dave. 吉娜:我希望你别跟我婆婆妈妈的,戴夫。
Zina: I might make nothing even if I stay. For that kind of risk, I want to get rich. 吉娜:我留下搞不好也赚不到半毛。基于这种风险,我要发财。
Zina: I really do not have time to deal with some 1) lovesick computer 2) geek. 吉娜:我真的没时间去应付爱昏了头的电脑怪胎。
Zina: I saw your green post-it notes. Nobody else has them. 吉娜:我看到了你的绿色便利贴。没有其他人用那种颜色。
Zina: I think it's time for me to meet my admirer and make him face the music. 吉娜:我想该是跟仰慕者碰面的时候了,好让他面对现实。
Zina: I'm saying this ship needs a new captain. 4) Are you with me, or aren't you? 吉娜:我是说这艘船要一个新船长。你是要跟我,还是不跟?
Zina: I've got it under control. 吉娜:这在我的控制之下。
Zina: It says, You look so 2) frail, / but I know you're tough like a nail. / To me, you are more beautiful than free e-mail. 吉娜:上面写着:“你看来娇柔,但我知道你如钢铁般强韧。对我来说,你比免费的伊妹儿还要讨人喜欢。”
Zina: It says, "my dear kitten, / I'm sorry I haven't written. / It doesn't mean I'm not still 1) smitten. / I am. 吉娜:上面写着:“我亲爱的小猫,抱歉好一阵子没捎信,这可不是我不魂牵梦萦。我仍迷恋着你。”
Zina: It's a bunch of 3) mush! Where does he get off calling me a kitten? 吉娜:为赋新词强说愁!他凭什么叫我“小猫”?
Zina: Keep your voice down. We'll talk more later. Right now I need to see Vince. 吉娜:小声点。我们晚点再详谈。我现在得要去找文斯。

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