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The resulting flue gas is almost pure carbon dioxide.

The resulting evolutionary trees reveal that opsins are ancient proteins that existed before the emergence of the predominant groups of animals that populate the earth today. 研究出来的演化树显示,视蛋白是种古老的蛋白质,早在现今居住地球上的优势动物类群出现之前就已经存在了。
The resulting exodus, he says, would prompt “serious thinking” in Pyongyang. 他说,如果最后会以难民涌出国门告终,将促使平壤方面“严肃思考“。
The resulting explosion threw the Balrog back agaoinst the walls of Moria. His expression turned to one of complete disbelief. Urrrghhh.... Ahhh... Ugghhhhh.... That's...not possible.... 炎魔被爆炸甩到了摩瑞亚的墙上,脸上满是不可思议。“呜啊....啊...呜啊....这是...不可能的....”
The resulting file is also attached. 定案的档案亦一并附呈。
The resulting firmness in the arm's muscles is body tension. 这种活动带来的肌肉发紧就是身体紧张的一种。
The resulting flue gas is almost pure carbon dioxide. 产生的管道气体几乎仅仅是二氧化碳。
The resulting image at the eyepiece diaphragm level is actually a mosaic of Airy disks which you perceive as light and dark. 最终在目镜光栏面上获得的成像实际是一个镶了边的艾利斑。
The resulting interior theory can have only gravitational forces, or gravity plus some extra force such as the electromagnetic force, and so on. 这些时空内部的理论只能有重力,或是加上一些额外的力,例如电磁力等。
The resulting interwire junctions form a switch at each intersection between crossing wires that can hold its “on” or “off” status over time. 每个导线交叉处形成的接点便成为一个开关,可以维持在「开」或「关」的状态(见右页〈交叉路上的开与关〉)。
The resulting landscape is dominated by impervious surfaces—parking lots, roads, sidewalks, rooftops and construction sites compacted by heavy equipment—that do not let water soak through. 最后形成的景观就是由不透水的地面所主宰──停车场、道路、人行道、屋顶,以及由重型机械压实的建筑工地,水都无法渗入这些地方。
The resulting length of this descriptor cannot be greater than its maximum length otherwise the function raises a USER 23 panic. 替换当前描述符中的数据。将要被替换的目标数据长度可以不同于用于替换的数据长度。描述符的数据长度将根据数据的改变进行重新设置。

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