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Current situation and future of water power exploration in China have been presented.

Current prosthetic alternatives to autologous vascular bypass grafts remain poor in terms of patency and infection risk. 然而就自体血管旁路移植术而言,由于移植后开放性感染的发生率较高,所以当前可供选择的替代移植物种类较少。
Current replacement options include transdermal testosterone administration or dehydroepiandrosterone treatment, both of which have been shown to result in significant improvements, in particular in libido and mood, while effects on body composition and m 当前的替代疗法有皮肤睾丸酮治疗、脱氢表雄酮治疗,已证明了这二者都能够有效的改善病情,尤其在性欲和情绪方面,但它们对患者身体结构和肌肉结构的影响尚未有确凿的文字证明。
Current research of failure mechanism and physics model of PTH in manufacture process including drilling, electroless plating and electroplate were reviewed. 从钻孔、化学镀铜、电镀三个主要工艺入手,对目前制造过程镀通孔失效的机理与物理模型的研究现状进行总结。
Current research projects deals with the influence of climate change and land use, the extent of the last interglacial and other glacier studies, basin analysis, vegetation changes etc. 当今的研究计划处理气候变化和土地使用的影响、最后的间冰期和其他冰河研究的范围、盆地分析、植物变化等。
Current research suggests Kerala, a state in southwest India, has between 70,000 to 100,000 HIV positive people, but the disease affects millions more country-wide. 最新研究提出,印度西南方的喀拉拉有7万到10万爱滋患者,不过疾病还影响全国百万多人。
Current situation and future of water power exploration in China have been presented. 介绍了目前我国水电开发的现状和前景。
Current situation of Guizhou University campus network was described and current important MAN technologies were analyzed in comparison. A solution for building network based on CWDM was provided. 摘要阐述了贵州大学校园网络现状,并对当今主要的城域网技术进行分析和比较。提出基于CWDM的贵州大学城域网组网方案。
Current situation of ex-curricular sports activities in institutes and universities in Yangtze Delta was investigated with the adoption of questionnaires. 摘要对“长三角”地区普通高校课外体育活动现状进行了调查。
Current situation of hazard management is briefly analyzed; risk management methods such as risk control, risk financial arrangement and insurance are described. 摘要简要分析危险源管理现状,以及风险控制、风险的财务安排、保险等风险管理方法。
Current smoking and higher follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) leels were also associated with a shorter time from enrollment to FMP. 吸烟和过高的卵泡刺激素(FSH)水平与从登记到发生FMP的时间缩短有关。
Current smoking and higher follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were also associated with a shorter time from enrollment to FMP. 近期吸烟和过高的卵泡刺激素(FSH)水平与从登记到发生FMP的时间缩短有关。

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