Guests reportedly include Elton John, model Kate Moss and Hurley's ex-boyfriend Hugh Grant.
据说,出席的嘉宾有埃尔顿?约翰,模特凯特?摩斯以及赫尔利的前男友休?格兰特。 |
Guests reportedly include Elton John, model Kate Moss and Hurley's ex-boyfriend, Hugh Grant.
据报道来访的嘉宾包括埃尔顿约翰、模特凯特摩丝以及赫莉的前男友休格兰特。 |
Guests shouldn’t wear out their welcome.
客人应注意不要因果得太久或去得太频繁而使主人感到讨厌。 |
Guests were crowded into the few remaining rooms.
把客人都挤在剩余的几个房间里了。 |
Guests were from 53 countries and areas, including 20 foreign ministers, 8 ambassadors, 8 consul-generals and 7 commercial secretaries.
来宾涉及53个国家和地区,前来参会的包括20余名国外部长级政国、8国大使、8国驻地方总领事和7国商务参赞。 |
Guests were required to wear evening dress, full ceremonial dress or national dress for the occasion, with royal ladies required to wear tiaras.
所有参加宴会的贵宾都要求身穿晚礼服、宽松的礼服或适合宴会的传统服装,所有皇室女性都必须戴上皇冠。 |
Guests who cannot attend the reception will be sent slices of cake.
切好的蛋糕还会给那些不能参加婚宴的宾客送去。 |
Guests whose birthday in on 30 November and who celebrate their birthday in Lotus Court on the same day will receive a bottle of sparkling wine.
11月30日生日的宾客当天在莲苑中餐厅庆祝生日可免费获赠一瓶气泡酒。 |
Guests whose birthday is on 30 November and consume dinner in Café Marco, Lotus Court or Shogun during our celebration period will receive a complimentary birthday cake on 30 November.
11月30日生日的宾客于优惠期间在马哥孛罗咖啡厅、莲苑中餐厅、将军日本餐厅享用晚餐即可获赠马哥孛罗生日蛋糕券一张,于11月30日领取生日蛋糕一个。 |
Guests whose birthday is on 30 November and who celebrate their birthday in Shogun on the same day will receive a bottle of sparkling wine.
11月30日生日的宾客当天在将军日本餐厅庆祝生日可免费获赠一瓶气泡酒。 |
Guests will be free to check out when they please if Hungary succeeds in converting its hulking jails into luxury hotels.
倘若匈牙利成功把笨重的监狱改造为奢华旅馆,宾客们高兴什麽时候退房皆悉听尊便。 |