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1841 The American newspaper New Tribune, founded by Horace Greeley, was first published.

1839 Nazi Germany invaded Poland and occupied most of her territory. 1939年,纳粹德国入侵波兰,占领了该国的大部分领土。
184 BCE: India - The Maurya dynasty ends when the last ruler is assassinated by an ambitious army commander. 印度——孔雀王朝最后一个国王被充满野心的军团司令官刺杀,孔雀王朝宣告结束。
184 will it to be revised yet? 这图还要修订吗?
184It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data. 在没有证据之前就得出理论,是重大错误。
1840 Thomas Hardy, English novelist and poet, was born in Dorset, the son of a stonemason. 英国小说家、诗人托马斯·哈代生于多塞特郡一个石匠家庭。
1841 The American newspaper New Tribune, founded by Horace Greeley, was first published. 霍勒斯·格里利创立的美国报纸《纽约论坛报》创刊。
1842 Sir James Dewar, Scottish physicist and chemist and inventor of the vacuum flask, was born in Fife. 1842年,苏格兰物理学家、化学家、真空管发明人詹姆斯.德沃尔爵士出生于法夫。
1843 Francis Scott Key, American lawyer and poet who wrote the words of the U.S. national anthem The Star-Spangled Banner, died. 美国律师、诗人、美国国歌《星条旗歌》歌词的作者弗朗西斯·司各特·基去世。
1845 Andrew Jackson, American general, Democrat statesman and 7th President from 1829 to 1837, nicknamed Old Hickory, died in Nashville, Tennessee. 绰号老核桃的美国将领、民主党政治家、美国第七任总统(1829-1837)安德鲁·杰克逊在田纳西州纳什维尔逝世。
1845 Texas, the Lone Star state, became the 28th state of the Union. 得克萨斯,别称孤星州,成为美国第二十八个州。
1845 Thomas Hood, English poet and humorist, died at Finchley Road in London after a long illness. 英国诗人与幽默作家托马斯·胡德久病后逝世于伦敦芬奇利路。

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