On the evening of February 17,1973,Chairman Mao Zedong met with Dr.Henry Kissinger,national security adviser to the president of the Unitd States.
1973年2月17日晚上,毛泽东主席在中南海会见美国总统国家安全事务助理亨利-基辛格博士。 |
On the evening of June 1st, Vice Mayor of Beijing Lu Hao delivered a lecture entitled “Reflecting on the Development of Several Industries in Beijing”in the DaimlerCrysler Forum co-sponsored by Guanghua School of Management (GSM).
6月1日晚七点,北京市副市长陆昊应邀作为北大光华戴姆勒-克莱斯勒论坛的主讲人,在光华楼203报告厅,发表了题为“北京若干产业发展的思考”的演讲。 |
On the evening of October 21st, the opening performance of public benefits activity series, sponsored by Chinese Ballad Singers Association and Beijing Weekend Cross Talk Club was put on at the Centennial Hall of Peking University.
10月21日晚,由北京市曲艺家协会和北京周末相声俱乐部主办的系列公益活动的首场演出在北京大学百周年纪念讲堂举行。 |
On the evening of the Super Bowl, the only thing many American families will do is watch the live broadcast of the game.
超级盃比赛当晚,许多美国家庭唯一会做的事就是收看球赛现场实况转播。 |
On the event day, please register by the “confirmation document for participation” and your valid ID card and get the ticket and the invoice.
活动当天凭“参与活动确认函”和个人有效证件至现场办理报到手续,并领取入场券和发票。 |
On the evergreen tree, on the evergreen tree.
在长青之树,树常绿. |
On the evidence of Sunday's performance he will be a valuable member of the squad this season, but he refuses to get ahead of himself.
经过周日那场精彩的发挥后,他将会是本赛季队中十分有用的一员,但他不想太过冒进。 |
On the evidence of his career and his campaign, Mr Sarkozy is less a principled liberal than a brutal pragmatist.
从萨尔科奇过去的政坛表现和现在的选举策略来看,他并非拘泥于原则的自由主义者,而是行事直率的实用主义者。 |
On the evidence of their recent matches it's unlikely the Spanish team will win the cup.
从西班牙队最近的比赛情况来看,他们难以在这一锦标赛中夺标。 |
On the exciting kite site, the excited reciter cited my verse.
在激动人心的风筝现场,激动的朗诵者应用了我的诗句。 |
On the exercise of the Vendor's right of rescission hereunder the Vendor shall have the right, if the Memorandum of Agreement shall have been registered in the Land Registry or the relevant New Territories Land Registry to register at such Land Registry o
若本合约经土地注册处或有关新界土地注册处登记,卖主在行使其撤销本合约之权利时得有权于土地注册处或有关新界土地注册处登记一份由卖主签署之文件以证明撤销此物业之买卖及/或撤销此合约登记。 |