Be aware of such things as where you put ending quote marks, whether you place commas after years and states, and similar variations in style.
要特别注意句末的引号、时间和地点之后的逗号以及文风的相似性。 |
Be aware of the ceiling, sir.
当心天花板,先生。 |
Be aware of the dual nature of your personality.You have a side with a great capacity for belief and a negative side with an equal capacity for disbelief.Exercise the first,and the second will wither away.
要了解你个性中的二元性,你具备“充分确信”的积极面,同时具备“完全不相信”的消极面,务必实践第一种个性,而第二种个性将会自动消减。 |
Be aware that cats can appear to be healthy but still have problems internally.
但你应当注意的是,有时表面上看来猫咪是健康的,然而实际上它的体内也许仍存在一些问题。 |
Be aware that even a 22 short bullet can travel over 1-1/4 miles and a high velocity cartridge, such as a 30-06, can send its bullet more than 3 miles.
要知道哪怕是.22短弹也能飞出1.25英里还保有一定速度,而30-06之类子弹则能将其弹头发射到3英里之外。 |
Be aware that minor accidents or injury may prevail if you are preoccupied.
要注意的是,避免发生小事故以防受伤。 |
Be aware that motion is provided by your mind.
感觉这样的动作是由你的思想发动的。 |
Be aware that taking care of equipment and getting it repaired can be stressful.
要知道保养好一个设备以及在它出毛病的时候对它进行维修都会给你带来压力。 |
Be aware that the “sales tax” on an item is not included in the displayed price but applied by the store clerk when you buy the item.
请注意:在你购买商品时“营业税”是不计入商品的标价的,但营业员有责任将此信息告诉你。 |
Be aware, however, that many commands you see echoed in the Script Editor are not actual "commands" but are in fact ancillary procedures implemented through MEL.
要知道,然而,你在角本编辑器中看到的许多命令不是真实的“命令”,但事实上是通过MEL产生的一个副程序。 |
Be bent on enterprising innovating; serve society, stockholders and customers with heart and soul.
锐意进取,做到奋发向上、大胆创新、勇于开拓、永不满足;奉献社会,做到对股东、对消费者、对社会真诚奉献。 |