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No, not just the night before.

No, none whatsoever. 没有,决对没这回事。
No, not at all. They are lovely ones. 不,没事儿。孩子们挺可爱的。
No, not at all. You can play friendlies against any team who happens to be online, or you can join or set up competitions. 不是的。你可以和任何在线球队举行友谊赛,或者你可以加入或者创建杯赛/联赛。
No, not eavesdropping on the conversations of strangers. 不,可不是指偷听陌生人的谈话啊。
No, not in your room. But you can use the kitchen down the hall to heat up something. 不行,在房内不行。但你可以使用走廊尽头的厨房热东西。
No, not just the night before. 不,不仅仅是昨天。
No, not much. Nerflin has a reputation of knowing a lot of the goings-on around here, but he has been quite...reticent of late. 不,不多。众所周知的是耐法林对于很多事情都很了解——这一带的事,但是他最近变得很安静——沉默寡言了。
No, not that one. The big one. 不,不是那个。是那个大的。
No, not very much but everyday I see BMW's and Mercedes zooming on the 3rd ring road. 不,不经常开车。但是每天我都能在三环上看见飞驰的宝马和奔驰车。
No, not yet. Got to steer away more. 不,还不行啊!等再飞远一点,再远点。
No, of course not. Anything else? 不,当然不。还要别的吗?

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