How can it be prevented or at least tempered?
该如何避免或缓和它? |
How can it be that a fictional character can out run the President of all people?
一部书里的人物怎么会与一国的总统相比呢? |
How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought independent of experience, is so admirably adapted to the objects of reality?
数学毕竟是人类思想独立于经验之外的产物,它怎麽会如此美妙地适应于各种现实目的呢? |
How can it be the true development of taking humans as essentials?
怎样才能真正做到以人为本的发展? |
How can it pass the pre-installation self test?
能通过安装前的测试吗? |
How can it still be a surprise then that most non-Malays will not join the police force?
那你怎么会为大多数非穆斯林不愿加入警队感到惊讶呢? |
How can many people do such a High riskful behaviour?
居然有人做这样的“高空惊险动作”,原因是什么。 |
How can me stop the sun(from) burning the plants?
我们怎样才能使这些植物不被晒枯呢? |
How can misery feel so sweet?
伤感怎么那么甜蜜? |
How can my people produce the unit if we are missing a vital component?
我们缺少一种关键的元件,我的工人怎么能生产出计算机呢? |
How can one have compassion for this?
一个人如何能对这些抱以同情? |