Vanquish a wounded opponent dealing 250% damage. Target must be below 10% health. Undead targets take additional 262 to 282 damage.
对一个受伤的目标造成250%伤害。该目标的生命值必须低于10%。对不死系目标造成额外的262-282点伤害。 |
Vanquish a wounded opponent dealing 250% weapon damage. Target must be below 10% health. Undead targets take an additional 344 to 366 damage.
对一个受伤的目标造成250%伤害。该目标的生命值必须低于10%。对不死系目标造成额外的344-366点伤害。 |
Vapnik, V. The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory. Springer, 1995.
第一章是关于统计学习理论的易读的、直接的介绍。 |
Vapor in the air can absorb radiation over a certain range of wavelength with the exclusion that it contributes to from clouds and fog.
空气中水汽除了可以形成云雾之外,还可以吸收一定范围波长的辐射。 |
Vapor intrusion is still a new concern for regulators, and evaluating this pollution pathway is a can of worms.
蒸气入侵仍然是令管制单位头痛的新课题,而评估污染的途径会造成无法逆料且棘手的复杂后果。 |
Varazdinska Banka d.d.: Varazdin; f,1981; Dir.-Gen.- Mato Lukinic.
瓦拉日丁银行:瓦拉日丁;1981年成立;总经理-马托·卢基尼奇。 |
Vardenafil was significantly superior to sildenafil in terms of erectile function, intercourse satisfaction and overall satisfaction.
在勃起功能,性交满意度和总体满意度方面,伐地那非显著优于西地那非。 |
Variability can be observed I the behaviour and outcome of many activities, even under conditions of apparent stability.
在许多活动的状态和结果中,甚至是在明显的稳定条件下,均可观察到变异。 |
Variability in vegetation is one of the important indices for a regional eco-environment.
摘要植被状况的变化是反映区域性生态环境状况的重要指标。 |
Variable costs are defined as costs that vary directly and necessarily with changes in the level of output and s comprise prime costs and variable manufacturing overhead.
变动成本是直接随着产品的变化而变化的成本,变动成本包括主要成本和制造费用中的变动部分。 |
Variable data, including log files and printer spools.
可变数据,包括日志文件及打印池。 |