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Is your brother departing soon?

Is your application running under the control of the BOINC client? 您的计算程序正在BOINC客户端的控制下运行吗?
Is your basketball jersey clean? 你的篮球球衣是干净的吗?
Is your beauty salons operation procedure implemented in same routine everyday? 你的美容院每日的操作流程都一样吗?
Is your boss around at the moment? 你的老板现在在吗?
Is your boyfriend or husband in the doldrums? Here's some handy advice to help your man through his hard times. 你的男友/丈夫正处于忧郁期?这里有一些简单适用的建议可以帮助你的他走出困境。
Is your brother departing soon? 你的兄弟很快就要启程吗?
Is your brother in the secret? 你弟弟知道这个秘密吗?
Is your business hard to handle? Company hard to manage? When faced with challenges, does your mind often go blank? 生意难做?公司难管?面对重重挑战,无奈脑袋却一片空白?
Is your cat a male or a female? 你的猫是雄性或雌性?
Is your central heating gas or electricity? 你们的集中供热设备是煤气的还是用电的?
Is your character a member of any special interest groups? 你的角色可会是兴趣小组的成员?

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