In their hunger you gave them bread from heaven and in their thirst you brought them water from the rock; you told them to go in and take possession of the land you had sworn with uplifted hand to give them. |
中文意思: 15从天上赐下粮食充他们的饥,从磐石使水流出解他们的渴,又吩咐他们进去得你起誓应许赐给他们的地。 |
In their game of reopened possibilities, he didn't want to overplay his own hand.
在他们之间这场旧梦可能重温的游戏里,他不想独自发挥得过了头。 |
In their generous conceptions, play harmlessly and experimentally permits us to put our creative forces, fantasy, and imagination into action.
在他们宏大的构想中,有益的或实验性的游戏可以使我们在行动中投入更多的创造力、想象力。 |
In their hands, they carried dozens of little flags.
在他们手里,拿着许多小旗子。 |
In their hearts, women think it is men's business to earn money and theirs to spend it—if possible during their hun**and's live, but, at any rate, after his death.
译文:女人们从心底认为:挣钱是男人的事情,女人只管话花钱——可能的话丈夫在世时就花;不行的话,那就在丈夫去世后再花。 |
In their heyday, the corals along the shores of the Israeli Red Sea resort of Eilat were a hot spot for divers drawn by one of the most spectacular and biologically diverse reefs in the world.
以色列红海旅游胜地埃拉特沿岸的珊瑚群在繁盛时期曾经是潜水爱好者们热衷的地方,他们被这片世界上最壮观、最千姿百态的珊瑚礁所吸引。 |
In their hunger you gave them bread from heaven and in their thirst you brought them water from the rock; you told them to go in and take possession of the land you had sworn with uplifted hand to give them.
15从天上赐下粮食充他们的饥,从磐石使水流出解他们的渴,又吩咐他们进去得你起誓应许赐给他们的地。 |
In their insanity, they slaved the ships together as the whole fleet disappeared into hyperspace, jumping to parts unknown.
在疯狂中,他们控制整个舰队消失在超空间,跳跃到不为人知的地方。 |
In their language, there are words associated with it: time can be budgeted, saved, wasted, stolen, killed, and cut.
在他们的语言中,就有一些同时间有联系的词:时间可以安排、节省、浪费、侵占、消磨和节减等。 |
In their lessons at school, boys and girls may learn about such virtues as selflessness, courage, discipline and love of one's country, but what is learned in books cannot have the same deep effect on a child's character as what is learned through experie
男孩女孩们在课堂上也许对不自私自利、富有勇气、遵守纪律、热爱祖国这样的美德有所了解,但是从书本上学到的东西不可能像通过亲身体验了解到的东西一样对孩子的品质产生深刻的影响。 |
In their literature class,they discussed the mystical and the supernatural.
在文学课上,他们讨论了神秘主义和超自然主义思想. |
In their minds, it is bad taste to waste one's life amassing objects that will only turn to dung and dirt, while, on the other hand, it is of enduring worth to pursue the spiritual that distinguish man from animals.
在他们的心里,浪费一生的时光去积聚终将变为粪土的东西是一种低级趣味,而追求使人类有别于动物的精神财富才具有永恒的价值。 |