Radio communication has annihilated space.
无线电通讯已消除了空间的阻隔。 |
Radio companies choose music centrally, test it on focus groups, and tend to reject any that does not fit the mould.
音乐制作公司集中选取音乐,测试并最终集中在几组,之后驳回那些不符合标准的。 |
Radio control functions are allowed only when specifically stated in the rules for the relevant class.
规则中允许的项目可使用无线电遥控。 |
Radio is uniquely suited to this task.
最适于担负这项任务的非广播电台莫属。 |
Radio reporters were in the church to set the scene.
电台记者在教堂里做事前的现场介绍. |
Radio says sunny and mild.
广播说是晴天,温暖的。 |
Radio signals took 10 minutes to reach Mars - far too long to allow commands from Earth to correct anything that might have gone wrong.
当时,地面的无线电信号需要10分钟才能抵达火星,这段时间对于修正任何可能的错误都显得过长。 |
Radio telescopes have one big advantage over conventional telescopes in that they can operate in all weather conditions and can pick up signals coming from very distant stars.
射电望远镜与普通望远镜相比有一个显著的优点,即它能全天候工作,并且能接收到从遥远的星体传来的信号。 |
Radio tracking of the trajectory of Lunar Prospector, which traveled in a low orbit that came as close as seven kilometers to the lunar surface, showed stronger than expected gravity above some of the youngest impact basins.
月球探勘者号以靠近月表七公里的距离沿低轨道运行,无线电追踪月球探勘者号的轨迹显示,部份最年轻的撞击盆地上,其重力高于预期。 |
Radio waves would vaporize the waste, which would then be sent into a magnetic bottle containing a thin, trapped plasma.
在磁瓶中,放射电场会使电浆与大部分废料离子沿著一个螺旋路径绕行。 |
Radio will fail as soon as you need fire support desperately.
无线电通讯会有可能在你急需火力支援时失灵。 |