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Discovered in Hong Kong Island in 1880, this orchid species has potential as an ornamental plant.

Discover the real depth and cold of the bottom of the ocean and get back. 发现真正的深度和大海的底部寒冷而且回来。
Discover the wildlife of our canals. 发现我们运河的野生生物。
Discover the work as you stroll along the Borderline itinerary. 沿着边界线的路线会在户外发现他们,在咖啡馆,在一些小小的地方。
Discovered 2006 Apr. 1 by T.-C. Yang and Q.-z. Ye at Lulin Observatory. 2006年4月1日由杨庭彰与叶泉志于鹿林天文台发现。
Discovered by accident during building work, the artefact initially sat unrecognised in a cupboard. Jo Butler, the house's owner, described what they found. 在建筑物施工期间发现的瓶子,最初的人工品毫不知情的放在碗橱里,房子的主人乔巴特勒描述他的所见。
Discovered in Hong Kong Island in 1880, this orchid species has potential as an ornamental plant. 本种于1880年在香港岛首次发现,具有观赏价值。
Discovered in July at the bottom of a dusty filing cabinet at a religious school in Philadelphia, the manuscript is a work in progress for the composer's Grosse Fugue in B flat major -- one of his most revolutionary works. 这份手稿是今年七月在美国费城的一所教会学校满是灰尘的档案柜底部发现的,是贝多芬创作中的降B大调大赋格曲中的部分手稿,它是贝多芬最有创造性的作品之一。
Discoveries by amateur astronomers have made headlines. 业馀天文学家的发现,也已经上过报纸的头条。
Discoveries in science and technology are thought by untaught mindsto come in blinding flashes or as the result of dramatic accidents. 科学技术上的发明被那些没学问的人看做是科学家们的灵光闪现或是经历了戏剧性的意外事件所产生的。
Discoveries in the past eight years have revealed a connection between mutations and either the buildup of misshapen proteins or the failure of the cell's protective machinery. 过去八年来的发现,指出了突变和错误蛋白堆积或细胞保护机具缺失有关。
Discoveries is conveniently located in the heart of Causeway Bay, within walking distance from the MTR station (Exit C). 位于铜锣湾地铁站C出口旁,出入方便,更有多种交通工具可供选择。

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