Dwarfism Stunted growth. This may be due to genetic mutation, causing GIBBERELLIN deficiency.
矮态:植物生长受到限制形成的植株形态矮小,可能是由于基因突变造成的赤霉素缺乏引起。 |
Dwarfs, Elves and Men alike all have woeful tales to tell of this monster of an Orc.
这个鬼神一般兽人的可怖故事在矮人、精灵和人类中广为流传,它的名字被母亲们用来吓止孩童的夜啼。 |
Dwarven culture is very much male-driven – though women are neither bearded nor as rare as one might think.
矮人的文化非常男性化——虽然女性既不长胡子也不像人想象的那么少。 |
Dwarven engineers are capable of fixing all machines, and inanimate objects.
矮人工程师能够修理各种器械,解决各类问题。 |
Dwarven women are sturdy and nearly as tough as their men folk.
矮人女子几乎和他们的男性一样强壮。 |
Dwarves are hardy mountain kin which live in the earth and rugged places of the land.
矮人是山岩之王,他们住在地穴或者崎岖不平的地方。 |
Dwarves are strong fighters, some preferring to forego armor and shields to wield two axes and pure rage.
矮人是强壮的战士,有些甚至抛弃了战甲与盾牌的保护,而直接手舞双斧,狂怒般地作战。 |
Dwell on it every day, and it will become part of your thinking.
每天都仔细地想想它,它将会成为你思想中的一部分。 |
Dwell on the moments that uplifted you, the times you laughed and the memories of love shown to you by friends and family.
回想那些使你精神振奋、开怀大笑的时刻,还有朋友和家人向你表达爱意的回忆。 |
Dwell on the past ----but not negative past, not the pain of the past nor the sadness.
可以想着过去-----但不要想着负面的事情,不要想着过去的痛苦和悲伤。 |
Dwellers here live a happy life now.
现在这里居民的生活很幸福。 |