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Earl Partridge: I'll tell you the greatest regret of my life: I let my love go.
已记 |
我要告诉你我生命中最大的遗憾:我让我的爱离开了我。 |
Earl Piggot: I never touched Honey!
厄尔·佩格特:我从没摸过什么甜心! |
Earl Piggot: I'm gonna get drunk! I'm gonna get drunk right now! Ah damnit!
厄尔·佩格特:我正要去喝个烂醉!我这就去喝个烂醉!哦该死的! |
Earl Piggot: You know, I don't know who you think would wanna look at your sad,middle aged ass anymore!
厄尔·佩格特:你知道吗,你那样子就像头上了年纪的、闷闷不乐的蠢驴,我不知道有谁会愿意瞅着你! |
Earl Rambert hides in a hard to reach valley where he's sparing no expense to build an army that can repel any attack.
兰贝尔特伯爵藏匿在峡谷中以便用尽可能低的费用组建一支足够抵挡任何攻击的军队。 |
Earl gave Jenny the cold shoulder after finding out that she had dated someone else while he was gone.
鄂尔发现詹妮在他不在时和别人约会之后,就冷落她。 |
Earl has worked in that firm for more than thirty years.
厄尔已在那家公司工作了三十多年了。 |
Earl's foot is bleeding because he just stepped on a piece of glass.
厄尔的脚在流血,因为他刚踩到一片玻璃。 |
Earl: I've been reading a report in the paper about young people's career choices.
俄尔:我在报上读到一则报导,谈及年轻人的就业选择。 |
Earl: It seems that girls shy away from careers in science and math.
俄尔:女性似乎不愿从事着重科学、数学的职业。 |
Earl: That's a shame because there are a lot of girls who are very talented in science and math I'm sure.
俄尔:那真可惜,因为我相信不少女性都很有科学和数学天赋。 |