It is one of the best bonds, both of chastity and obedience, in the wife, if she think her husband wise; which she will never do, if she find him jealous. |
中文意思: 如果一个女人为丈夫的聪明优秀而自豪,那么这就是使她忠贞不渝的最好保证。但如果一个女人发现她的丈夫是妒忌多疑的,那么她将绝不会认为他是聪明的。 |
It is one of life's frequent non-encounters: You hand over some money; you might get change; you drive off.
你递给他一些钱,或许他还要找你些零钱,然后你开车走了。 |
It is one of my favorite novels.
这是我最喜爱的一本小说。 |
It is one of parents' most fundamental responsibilities to impart to their children the value of integrity,decency,and respect for others.
作父母的最重要的一项责任就是向其子女传授正直,正派,尊重他人的价值观. |
It is one of the 26 big key enterprises supported by the provincial government.
是省政府重点培育的26家大企业、大集团之一。 |
It is one of the best Wushu exercises to develop and retain better co-ordination between the movement of the body, hands and feet.
整套四十二式扇的动作包括砍、剌、提、点、橑、拦及其他优美的扇法,可令学员达致全身、手和脚的协调配合运动。 |
It is one of the best bonds, both of chastity and obedience, in the wife, if she think her husband wise; which she will never do, if she find him jealous.
如果一个女人为丈夫的聪明优秀而自豪,那么这就是使她忠贞不渝的最好保证。但如果一个女人发现她的丈夫是妒忌多疑的,那么她将绝不会认为他是聪明的。 |
It is one of the best stadiums to go,' he says. 'Always very loud and a good pitch.
那时需要去面对的最好的球场之一,他说。“经常会很吵,当然有很好的草皮。” |
It is one of the biggest curio shops in the craft brothers in Shanghai.
在上海同行中是规模较大的古玩店之一。 |
It is one of the commonest of the 92 chemical elements of which the world is made, for only oxygen, silicon, and aluminium occur in greater abundance.
它是构成这个世界的92种化学元素中最常见的几种元素之一,只有氧、硅、和铝等元素的含量远远超出于它。 |
It is one of the earliest Buddhist temples built entirely in brick, still standing in India, from the late Gupta period.
菩提伽耶的摩诃菩提寺是笈多王朝后期以来印度现存的最早的全部为砖石结构的佛教寺庙之一。 |
It is one of the engineering wonders of the world.
长城是世界建筑奇迹之一。 |