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A time Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, and all the other Olympians, except Hestia, surrounded him suddenly as he lay asleep on his couch and bound him with rawhide thongs, knotted into a hundred knots, so that he could not move.

A tightly stretched sheet or membrane, as on the head of a drum. 绷紧的薄膜状物挤压得很紧的平板或薄膜,如鼓面
A tiglon is a cross between a lion and a tiger. 虎狮是狮子和老虎的杂交种。
A tigon is a cross between a tiger and a lion. 虎狮是老虎和狮子交配的产品。
A tiller of soil. 在土地上耕作的人
A timber tree provides durable and easily-worked wood. 本种的木材耐久,易加工。
A time Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, and all the other Olympians, except Hestia, surrounded him suddenly as he lay asleep on his couch and bound him with rawhide thongs, knotted into a hundred knots, so that he could not move. 有一次,赫拉、波塞冬、阿波罗和除了赫斯提外所有的奥林波斯神祗乘宙斯躺在床上熟睡之际一拥而上,用生牛皮绳把他捆绑起来并打上一百个绳结,使他动弹不得。
A time bomb exploded twenty minutes after the plane took off. 飞机起飞后二十分钟一枚定时炸弹爆炸了。
A time for Christians to celebrate the life and resurrection of Christ. 是基督教徒为了庆祝耶稣再生的节日。
A time for taking stock of one's life. 对一个人的一生作出评价的时候
A time line for development was included as were capacity and estimates of the number of persons who would access the square on a daily and hourly basis. 请问怎么译啊?大概我知道是指每天每小时进入广场的客流人数的预测什么的。谢谢了!
A time measurement for a given computer word to pass a given point as in serial storage delay-lines. All of the bits of a word must pass through the input control gate; the beat is then the sum of all the bits times. 在串行存储延迟线中,计算机字通过某指定点的一种时间度量。该字的所有位必须通过输入控制门,拍则是所有位时间之和。

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