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Article 90 The issuer must bear the liability of guaranteeing payment of the sum specified on the cheque to the bearer.

Article 9.Measures for the levy and collection if individual income tax on income from the transfer of shares shall be separately formulated by the Ministry of Finance and implemented upon approval by the State Council. 第九条对股票转让所得征收个人所得税的办法,由财政部另行制定,报国务院批准施行。
Article 90 Either the carrier or the shipper may request the cancellation of the contract and neither shall be liable to the other if, due to force majeure or other causes not attributable to the fault of the carrier or the shipper, the contract could not 第九十条船舶在装货港开航前,因不可抗力或者其他不能归责于承运人和托运人的原因致使合同不能履行的,双方均可以解除合同,并互相不负赔偿责。
Article 90 Legitimate loan relationships shall be protected by law. 第九十条合法的借贷关系受法律保护。
Article 90 Ministers in charge of the ministries or commissions of the State Council are responsible for the work of their respective departments and they convene and preside over ministerial meetings or general and executive meetings of the commissions t 第九十条国务院各部部长、各委员会主任负责本部门的工作;召集和主持部务会议或者委员会会议、委务会议,讨论决定本部门工作的重大问题。
Article 90 The Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal and the Chief Judge of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of the Region with no right of abode in any foreign countr 第九十条香港特别行政区终审法院和高等法院的首席法官,应由在外国无居留权的香港特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民担任。
Article 90 The issuer must bear the liability of guaranteeing payment of the sum specified on the cheque to the bearer. 第八十九条出票人必须按照签发的支票金额承担保证向该持票人付款的责任。
Article 90 The vessels or aircraft suspected of having been contaminated with yellow fever are required to undergo sanitization as stipulated in Items 2, 3 and 4 of Article 89 of these Implementation Rules. 第九十条对染有黄热病嫌疑的船舶、航空器,应当实施本细则第八十九条第(二)至第(四)项规定的卫生处理。
Article 90 When conducting public share offer, the sponsors shall execute an agreement with a bank for deposit of share proceeds. 第九十条:发起人向社会公开募集股份,应当同银行签订代收股款协议。
Article 90 Where the State Council, the Central Military Committee, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the various special committees of the Standing Committee and the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of various pro 第九十条国务院、中央军事委员会、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院和各省、自治区、直辖市的人民代表大会常务委员会认为行政法规、地方性法规、自治条例和单行条例同宪法或者法律相抵触的,可以向全国人民代表大会常务委员会书面提出进行审查的要求,由常务委员会工作机构分送有关的专门委员会进行审查、提出意见。
Article 90 Where the provisions of this Law cannot be completely applied in national autonomous areas, the people's congresses of the autonomous regions or the provinces concerned may formulate adaptive or supplementary provisions on the basis of the poli 第九十条民族自治地方不能全部适用本法规定的,可以由自治区或者省的人民代表大会根据当地民族的政治、经济、文化的特点和本法规定的基本原则,制定变通或者补充的规定,报请全国人民代表大会常务委员会批准施行。
Article 91 If, due to force majeure or any other causes not attributable to the fault of the carrier or the shipper, the ship could not discharge its goods at the port of destination as provided for in the contract of carriage, unless the contract provide 第九十一条因不可抗力或者其他不能归责于承运人和托运人的原因致使船舶不能在合同约定的目的港卸货的,除合同另有约定外,船长有权将货物在目港邻近的安全港口或者地点卸载,视为已经履行合同。

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